Sunday, December 5, 2010


WOMEN! Every female on this earth is lying, terrible excuse for a human being. Even my mother. See, I don't know if I have extra-perceptory senses when it comes to reading women, but I seem to be able to read what they're trying to do or say. See, I don't understand it one bit. But I'm able to perceive it. With my ex-girlfriend, I always told her she didn't mean what she said or that she wasn't fooling me by telling me some lie. I can't remember how many times I said to her, in some sense of the phrase, "Stop being such a woman." The thing is, I always know how a relationship will end. It ends. I try to make them work, but they won't. They never do. Look at the divorce rate. Look at all the single parents. It's not very appealing. I'm STILL going through shit with my ex-girlfriend, three months later. The sex isn't worth dealing with all the problems a woman brings to the table. They never say what they mean, they never do what they say, and they never say what they're going to do. It's like you go in a circle. But it's some fucked up, ovular circle shaped like a amoeba. See, my view of women has been destroyed because all of my relationships have ended badly. Maybe I should just learn to be gay, then the Westboro Baptist Church could hate me. Maybe gay guys have found a loophole in the whole relationship but...well gay guys are kinda flippy and annoying, maybe they're just as bad. I don't plan on finding out the hard way though. Well, getting back on track, the thing is, women are the epitome of the phrase "can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em". I know I'll be in another relationship someday. Hell, there's like three girls I have my eye on right now. I'm inevitably going to play the game once again. I'll lose at some point. But thing is, you can't go in with a defeatist attitude. IF you basically go into a relationship and say "there's no way this is gonna work", it will just go to shit faster. You have to put that thought into the back of your mind and just dive headfirst off the perpetual cliff into it. You'll hit the ground eventually. But just close your eyes and enjoy the ride, even though in the back of your mind you know it'll come crashing down.