Sunday, December 5, 2010


WOMEN! Every female on this earth is lying, terrible excuse for a human being. Even my mother. See, I don't know if I have extra-perceptory senses when it comes to reading women, but I seem to be able to read what they're trying to do or say. See, I don't understand it one bit. But I'm able to perceive it. With my ex-girlfriend, I always told her she didn't mean what she said or that she wasn't fooling me by telling me some lie. I can't remember how many times I said to her, in some sense of the phrase, "Stop being such a woman." The thing is, I always know how a relationship will end. It ends. I try to make them work, but they won't. They never do. Look at the divorce rate. Look at all the single parents. It's not very appealing. I'm STILL going through shit with my ex-girlfriend, three months later. The sex isn't worth dealing with all the problems a woman brings to the table. They never say what they mean, they never do what they say, and they never say what they're going to do. It's like you go in a circle. But it's some fucked up, ovular circle shaped like a amoeba. See, my view of women has been destroyed because all of my relationships have ended badly. Maybe I should just learn to be gay, then the Westboro Baptist Church could hate me. Maybe gay guys have found a loophole in the whole relationship but...well gay guys are kinda flippy and annoying, maybe they're just as bad. I don't plan on finding out the hard way though. Well, getting back on track, the thing is, women are the epitome of the phrase "can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em". I know I'll be in another relationship someday. Hell, there's like three girls I have my eye on right now. I'm inevitably going to play the game once again. I'll lose at some point. But thing is, you can't go in with a defeatist attitude. IF you basically go into a relationship and say "there's no way this is gonna work", it will just go to shit faster. You have to put that thought into the back of your mind and just dive headfirst off the perpetual cliff into it. You'll hit the ground eventually. But just close your eyes and enjoy the ride, even though in the back of your mind you know it'll come crashing down.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Give Me Respect

I've been working at Subway for three and a half years now, and I can say almost nothing has changed. Our customers are still the most rude, ignorant people you will ever meet. I'm not saying that our customers are the worst of all, I'm talking about food/customer service in general. When you're helping people, a majority of the time, they don't even treat you like a human being. They're there to get their food and leave. People skills have become a thing of the past. Customers won't look me in the eye when they order. They don't respond to my greetings, nor do they give me one. They won't tolerate simple mistakes. They lack common sense. Tips are a rarity. If people that came in treated everybody like they treat me, they would have no one that would ever want to speak to them. And by the looks of the people that come into Subway, that fact seems like it's true. Even when I'm in a bad mood (a lot of the time), I still act nicely to my customers, partially not to lose my job, and partially to hopefully up the mood and not stay down in the catacombs. When I come out from the back and nicely greet somebody and they completely ignore, or even interrupt my hello, it ruins the vibe for the remainder of my customer's order. I am a human being. As are all of my coworkers, and all of America's workers. People should treat us that way. Those who take part in our abuse are cowards. They know that we can't retaliate because we'd lose our job. They take advantage of that by treating us like shit to take out their frustrations and mask their own problems. The people that come in and smile, have a conversation with me, laugh at and make jokes, those are people that are confident with themselves. This actually comes into conflict with my previous blog about how i hate fat and unkempt people. If a fat guy comes in and gets a footlong tuna sub with extra cheese, it bothers me. But, if he talks to me and keeps a positive attitude and comes across as a good person, I will return the favor. All that matters is that they have a good personality, I'm not as shallow as I come across sometimes. Because equally, if a good looking, successful-looking person comes in and orders a healthy six-inch veggie sub, but acts like a total douchebag, then I'll treat them how they deserve to be treated. There's no reason to treat me like any less of a human just because I'm behind a bar making your food. If it makes you feel better to treat me like shit because I can't do anything back, that's fine. If I were to see a dick customer at the mall, even if they recognized me as the Subway employee that made their food, they won't even look at me. I don't want to be treated like a king or pampered, just to be treated like a human being. All I ask is that you give me respect.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Black Friday

It's almost that very special day of year again, the day that everybody recognizes no matter what race or religion they may be - Black Friday. It's become a sort of holiday in recent years. I personally, (along with 90% of the other things i write about) hate it. Last year was the first time I ever went Black Friday shopping, and at 4 in the morning. Needless to say, the only things I bought were things that I could've purchased on any other day. The 'sales' are on things that people rarely buy because they're extremely expensive. On Black Friday, those "extremely expensive" things go down to "super expensive". $500 dollars is still a lot to spend, even on a huge TV. Of course it's a good deal, but you're still spending $500 you could've spent on something else, like let's say a treadmill (since you're spending so much on something you're gonna sit in front of for hours, you most likely need a treadmill). The stupid people of this country are hypnotized into thinking they NEED this stuff just because it's marked down. The real winners come out in the wee hours of this wonderful day, it's quite a sight to see. Shopping on Black Friday made me feel like I was just part of the crowd of barbarians. I mean, two or some-odd years ago someone was trampled and killed in Wal-Mart's midnight opening. That is disgusting. "Come on family, let's trample this innocent employee so we can get to the TV's, which we can watch while having inbred sex"is what I picture a family to be like if they are willing to trample a man to get to good sales. Can people not see how they are just conforming to corporate America's schemes to draw money out of their pockets? They're too stupid to realize it! It's like watching a zombie movie. People fight over the last item. Why? Why lose every shred of your dignity to get a DVD player for half off? Well I suppose they already lost all of that dignity -- the second they left to go Black Friday shopping.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I don't know anything about classical works of art. My range of knowledge about artists doesn't extend far past Van Gogh or Picasso. And that's only because we learned about them in elementary school. The only point I could really argue is to as why people value most works of art. Picasso paintings, as well as many, many other paintings made by other artists are abstract and make no sense upon first glimpse. They can be worth more and viewed as better than some paintings that are completely realistic. What makes one of these paintings a 'work of art'? It seems like any child can dip their fingers in paint and go crazy on a canvas and make a drawing that an expert would deem worth millions. As a matter of fact, I'm sure I've seen several cartoons and shows where this scenario has been documented. It doesn't make sense to me as to what degree is considered to make a work of art a 'work of art'. Perhaps there are underlying metaphorical references that people see in the paintings. It could also just depend on who's critiquing it. One person will see it as a masterpiece while another sees it as a piece of junk (which it probably is). I guess art could be just like almost anything else on this earth, a matter of opinion.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


As I sit here writing my weekly blog, I know I'm doing it only for my English grade, and not necessarily for other people to read. But then I think about the people that actually do blog for other people to read their opinions. Personally, if I didn't have to, I would never ever write a blog. Every thing about them irks me. The word 'blog' used in modern vernacular angers me. "I'm gonna go blog." Shut the hell up, tool. I see it as a way of conforming to the flow of society. When a new term is invented everyone feels the need to use it to be up with the times. It's sickening to me. Also, the main reason I dislike blogging is because in all honesty, who really cares what you think? I'm making this blog persuasive in an attempt to get a good grade, but seriously, who else really cares what I have to think? "Oh, this kid doesn't like blogging. That makes no difference in anybody's life." And it's true. Someone could write a blog on how waitresses at restaurants should be required to put their hair up in a bun. It's abstract, but it's his opinion. Who cares? Waitresses who stumble upon it sure as hell won't put their hair up in a bun. I guess it's a way people can feel important, they put up their opinions and make themselves believe people are reading them and being affected by them. Every blog I've written has zero views. It doesn't bother me. I support the fact that no one has read my blogs because they have no reason to, and that's what I believe. People should have their own opinions and not feel subject to read others' in order to dissuade their own. So in closing, if anybody happens to stumble upon this, I hope their head explodes.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Staged Reality

I've been a pro-wrestling fans for about 7 years now, and it's really sad to see what the program has come to be today. Wrestling became popular in mainstream in 1985 when Cyndi Lauper joined forces with the WWF and brought the media's attention to the sport. Wrestling reached its height of popularity in the mid-90's, and almost everyone in America was at least aware of the sport. Stone Cold Steve Austin became their poster child, and he and The Rock are probably still the first names that come to mind when one mentions pro-wrestling. Sadly, nowadays the sport is probably at its lowest point of popularity ever. And I use the term 'sport' lightly. I mean, obviously, it's always been staged, and some would question the legitimacy of calling it a sport. It's an event where people display great acrobatic abilities and strengths, and must be greatly skilled to do so, so in sense, it is a sport. But, now the program is something completely different. In the mid-late 90's, during the "Attitude Era", wrestling was the most badass thing on television. Now it's nothing but a shitty soap opera. They wanted to dumb down the stunts and promos so that they can aim it at younger viewers. The problem is, that age group is usually put in bed by 8 or 9, when the show comes on. Kids these days are more mature (in a sense) than they used to be. A 10-year old kid watching wrestling today isn't going to be as easily affected as a kid from the 90's. They're not as impressionable to the sport as they used to be, it's just a part of society evolving. So now instead of interesting wrestling matches and MANLY VIOLENCE AND MUD-WRESTLING DIVAS, it's a whole bunch of overly-scripted storylines and stupid angles. I'm barely even a fan anymore because of what the sport has become. It's really sad, It upsets me to watch wrestling matches as little as 3 or 4 years old. It was so much better then. Obviously this blog is only aimed at a certain audience, those being wrestling fans. Any regular person wouldn't give a fuck. The whole 'who cares, wrestling is fake' mindset kicks in. The point is to use your imagination. You know it's scripted, but it's not 'fake'. Obviously they pull punches, but everything they do is still dangerous. There's been countless injuries and deaths from wrestling accidents. It's like watching Taken. You picture Mel Gibson as a badass ex-agent fighting to get his daughter back, not some old, psychotic racist bastard who's been brainwashed by Hollywood. When watching wrestling, you have to picture Stone Cold Steve Austin as the badass S.O.B. his character is portrayed to be, and not the guy who visits terminally ill children every tear to grant lifelong wishes to meet their favorite wrestler.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vampires Suck

Ha ha ha, original title, right? Yeah, I know. But the fact is, the Twilight adaptation of movies is one of the worst things to happen to our country in recent times, not just because of my personal disliking of the series, but because of the effects it has on the youth (and some older fucktards too) of America. I mean, of course, nearly anyone can understand why I personsally wouldn't like Twilight. Sparkling vampires, shirtless dudes, Shark Boy, GAY. But the worst part is its followers. People, mainly teenage girls, now believe they are vampires, dressing in clothes from the film and wearing the teeth and following the rituals. This is not a summary of the South Park episode, I had these opinions long before I saw the parody. I hate hate HATE waiting on little girls that come into Subway! They're talking about how sexy Jacob is and that they're jealous of Bella, and I want to jump over the bar and beat them into the ground. But, the sight of blood would only excite them, cause you know, THEY'RE VAMPIRES. No, I don't care if you're Team Edward or Team Jacob, I'm sticking to Team Fuck-All-Of-You. Of course, the recent trend of vampire popularity has started a tidal wave of new media involving vampires, such as video games, movies and TV shows. I mean, most of the stuff isn't nearly as bad as Twilight, but I'm sick of the whole vampire idea. I don't get why people find them so interesting, they're supposed to be scary. 30 Days Of Night is the only thing in recent memory I can think of that gives vampires the traits and characteristics that they are supposed to have. And the series isn't ending anytime soon, They're releasing Breaking Dawn soon, I believe it's called? It'll have a midnight release, all the fat little goth chicks will turn to bats and fly to the movie theater, and then the next day have their ashamed mothers drive them to the mall and wait outside while they run into Hot Topic and buy all the latest merchandise. Then the shit ensues, they're out of Team Jacob shirts, there's crying, wrist-cutting, chemical warfare, mass genocide, suicide bombings, you know, the regular stuff that comes along with Twilight releases. So until then, I'll surely keep my cross handy.