Sunday, September 26, 2010

Respect Those That Laid The Pathway

There's an article on Yahoo! (obviously, at this point, my main source of news stories) that gives a list of celebrities that are reprising their roles in movies decades after the original movie came out. It proves a good point. Many of the most well known movies in our culture are from previous decades. Likewise, many actors in old movies are the most well-known. Even today, movies that are older than most of us are still the most talked about. The Godfather, Gone With The Wind, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, among many others. The actors in those movies are heralded as the greatest actors of all time. But today, who are the actors in the movies? Nobody knows. You turn on Sci-Fi and there's hundreds of bad movies and all the actors are nameless. Even most of the movies in theaters star people that aren't well known. But, the movies that DO feature veteran actors, are usually hits. Inception was one of the greatest movies in recent memory, because Leonardo DiCaprio is a veteran actor who is well-known for his great acting skills. The newest movies in the Rocky and Indiana Jones were met with months and months of heavy coverage before and after their releases, because of the legacy of both the series and their actors. People want to see movies with big names because they know they will deliver. Elderly actors like Clint Eastwood and Betty White have great followings because they've built up a huge fanbase over the years. People will go to see their movies. Who is Micah Sloat? No one knows. I don't even know. He's the main actor in Paranormal Activity, which I had to look up to find his name out. You don't see in the news "Where is Micah Sloat's next destination in Hollywood?' because no one knows who he is. Paranormal Activity won't go down as one of the greatest movies ever. It might become a cult hit, but that's it. The Expendables starred several very well-known actors and was met with rave reviews. It was a great movie because the actors in it were very experienced. Movies with nameless actors are usually only criticized for bad acting or plots, which usually lead to cult hits. They're fun to watch but won't be remembered a few months after they're out of theaters. And when they're advertised to be great movies that'll go down in history, the inevitable flop will only hit harder. So independent filmers and low-budget projects should leave the hits to the big boys.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reinventing Currency

There is an article on Yahoo! from the Huffington Post that details plans for a new design for American currency. The first sentence reads 'The American dollar is in bad need of a makeover.' Fucking seriously? Are citizens bored by their money? When they go to McDonalds and get a Big Mac with extra mayonnaise, does the money they pay with bore them? Nothing will change with a new dollar bill, they're gonna be fat either way. There are pictures of a proposed example of the $1 through $100 bills. Not only do they look like travel brochures, but they're all different sizes. They're all different colors (not talking about how Obama is on one and Roosevelt on the other), They're VERTICAL, and they're retarded. They would literally cause mass chaos. Would everybody in the world have to attend a giant bonfire to burn all their old, boring, obsolete cash? All businesses would have to take the old and the new currency. Counterfeiters would have a field day, many, many people would be confused as to which ones are real and which are not, some places will surely refuse this 'new' currency...Nothing good would come from it. If people seriously think it's necessary that we redesign our money, they should probably be put in a camp. The 'Dollar ReDe$ign Project', which orchestrated this idea, has actually passed a petition to get the U.S. Government to consider their idea. Knowing our government, we'll have colorful new currency by 2011. Americans are obsessed with remodeling everything. It's disgusting, really, how they want to change things that are completely fine. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Next, it's gonna be digital money or some stupid shit. Trust me, they'll do it. There are so many things that need fixing in this country, but not how are money looks. As a matter of fact there's a shortage of boring green money as it is. So why fuck everything up even more? I'll tell you why, because people in this country are retarded. I'll be moving to Mexico shortly. Bye.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Facebookers Anonymous

Facebook is probably one of the most simple ideas ever created, yet it's one of the most complex. It's an easy way to stay in touch with friends and family and keep yourself up to date with what's going on around you. But at the same time, it causes so much shit that I really do not need to deal with. It brings about so many opportunities for people to make total asses of themselves. One class of people who post on Facebook are the attention-grabbers. They post lyrics to songs that obviously TOTALLY DESCRIBE THEIR LIVES. They write depressing statements. "My life is terrible"."I hope he notices me...". Well HE may not notice you. But everyone else sure does. And you're a pansy. They also constantly quote the ever-popular phrase FML. It was funny for a month after the website became popular. Now it's annoying as hell. Let's put it all together for the perfect emo 13-year-old girl status: "FMLLLL i hate my lifeeee, he doesnt even know i existtt ;(((" Somehow, about ten words made me hate you. Yes, fuck your life. With a crowbar. Nobody cares, all it does is make you look like a retard. Grow up. Now another class of Facebookers are gay guys. Yes, it sounds vague, but gay guys always seem to post stupid shit because they crave attention. I'm Facebook friends with a few gay guys I went to school with. One of them constantly posts emo 13-year-old girl statuses like the one above. Another one tells everybody about his wonderful adventures with his guy friends, and it's usually a different guy every week. It's disgusting. I don't need to hear this, and neither does anyone else. Now I don't hate gay people. I'm all for being gay and whatnot, like I don't care what they do behind closed doors. But don't let everyone else know. That's probably why people don't like gay people, because they can't keep their dick-ventures to themselves. The last class of Facebookers I can think of are the super awesome popular drunk kids. I've seen enough red cups in pictures to last me a lifetime. If you go on some slut's page and see the link for 1,568 pictures, and they're all of her in the same pose with the same peace sign and duck-face next to the same amount of drunk black guys ready to pounce on her, that's how you know she belongs in this group. It's funny when you're in high school and you're super-popular and you have to post pictures like this to maintain your reputation, but everyone still thinks you're scummy. It's even funnier when you're NOT in high school any more and you still post pictures like that and you look even stupider. I don't drink for this reason. I'm not gonna look like an idiot and get labeled in this group of Facebookers. I do go on Facebook a lot, don't get me wrong. But I don't give everyone a rundown of my day or pour out my emotions. I talk to my friends and I post things to entertain people. I'm an actor, I like to entertain people. But not by cutting my wrists over the internet. If people would use Facebook for good and not for evil, the internet would be a happier place.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Way Out of our League

There's an article called 'Tips for Frugal Billionaires' I found online. It contains a list of tips from billionaires on how one should spend money wisely. It also says one specific billionaire can spend over a thousand dollars a minute for the rest of his life and never run out of money. I can't help but feel intimidated by this. It's like, no matter WHAT I do in life, no matter what job I have or how much money I make, I will never be as successful as these people. Nothing I do will ever be as recognizable. Celebrities, even if they're not billionaires, get worldwide coverage for doing things at little as walking their dog down the street. I could organize a huge benefit to raise money for a certain charity and not even a fraction as many people would know about that. The balance in the world is completely fucked; knowing that life-changing things I can do will not be seen by nearly as many people as Paris Hilton's new hairstyle just bothers me. There's no reason celebrities should be as recognized as they are. Everyone in the world knows who Leonardo DiCaprio is. He makes movies that keep people entertained for two hours. He makes millions and millions of dollars, and is looked up to and worshipped by millions of people. On the other hand, just say a doctor at my local hospital performs successful heart surgery on a man, allowing him to see his children grow up and become successful. The man will be grateful forever, as well as his family and friends, but where is the rest of the recognition he deserves? He doesn't get a movie made about him. He still doesn't get paid as much as a movie star. He doesn't become the idol of millions of people. No one ever thinks about this because it's been like that forever. Actors and other famous people are the stars of our society. When it comes right down to it, saving a man's life is a much bigger deal than keeping someone mildly entertained for a few hours (and sometimes, they can't even say that much). Yet, it's recognized a million times more. I don't know, maybe I'm just biased. Maybe I just want to be famous as well. But I'm not saying I deserve recognition. I'm just saying if I were to save a man's life right now, nobody outside of my general hometown area would know about it. Celebrity status is overrated and they are undeserving of all the attention they get. If one day, I'm a rich actor and I open a magazine with a picture of me going to Starbucks on the cover, I will be ashamed of myself.