Sunday, September 5, 2010

Way Out of our League

There's an article called 'Tips for Frugal Billionaires' I found online. It contains a list of tips from billionaires on how one should spend money wisely. It also says one specific billionaire can spend over a thousand dollars a minute for the rest of his life and never run out of money. I can't help but feel intimidated by this. It's like, no matter WHAT I do in life, no matter what job I have or how much money I make, I will never be as successful as these people. Nothing I do will ever be as recognizable. Celebrities, even if they're not billionaires, get worldwide coverage for doing things at little as walking their dog down the street. I could organize a huge benefit to raise money for a certain charity and not even a fraction as many people would know about that. The balance in the world is completely fucked; knowing that life-changing things I can do will not be seen by nearly as many people as Paris Hilton's new hairstyle just bothers me. There's no reason celebrities should be as recognized as they are. Everyone in the world knows who Leonardo DiCaprio is. He makes movies that keep people entertained for two hours. He makes millions and millions of dollars, and is looked up to and worshipped by millions of people. On the other hand, just say a doctor at my local hospital performs successful heart surgery on a man, allowing him to see his children grow up and become successful. The man will be grateful forever, as well as his family and friends, but where is the rest of the recognition he deserves? He doesn't get a movie made about him. He still doesn't get paid as much as a movie star. He doesn't become the idol of millions of people. No one ever thinks about this because it's been like that forever. Actors and other famous people are the stars of our society. When it comes right down to it, saving a man's life is a much bigger deal than keeping someone mildly entertained for a few hours (and sometimes, they can't even say that much). Yet, it's recognized a million times more. I don't know, maybe I'm just biased. Maybe I just want to be famous as well. But I'm not saying I deserve recognition. I'm just saying if I were to save a man's life right now, nobody outside of my general hometown area would know about it. Celebrity status is overrated and they are undeserving of all the attention they get. If one day, I'm a rich actor and I open a magazine with a picture of me going to Starbucks on the cover, I will be ashamed of myself.

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