Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reinventing Currency

There is an article on Yahoo! from the Huffington Post that details plans for a new design for American currency. The first sentence reads 'The American dollar is in bad need of a makeover.' Fucking seriously? Are citizens bored by their money? When they go to McDonalds and get a Big Mac with extra mayonnaise, does the money they pay with bore them? Nothing will change with a new dollar bill, they're gonna be fat either way. There are pictures of a proposed example of the $1 through $100 bills. Not only do they look like travel brochures, but they're all different sizes. They're all different colors (not talking about how Obama is on one and Roosevelt on the other), They're VERTICAL, and they're retarded. They would literally cause mass chaos. Would everybody in the world have to attend a giant bonfire to burn all their old, boring, obsolete cash? All businesses would have to take the old and the new currency. Counterfeiters would have a field day, many, many people would be confused as to which ones are real and which are not, some places will surely refuse this 'new' currency...Nothing good would come from it. If people seriously think it's necessary that we redesign our money, they should probably be put in a camp. The 'Dollar ReDe$ign Project', which orchestrated this idea, has actually passed a petition to get the U.S. Government to consider their idea. Knowing our government, we'll have colorful new currency by 2011. Americans are obsessed with remodeling everything. It's disgusting, really, how they want to change things that are completely fine. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Next, it's gonna be digital money or some stupid shit. Trust me, they'll do it. There are so many things that need fixing in this country, but not how are money looks. As a matter of fact there's a shortage of boring green money as it is. So why fuck everything up even more? I'll tell you why, because people in this country are retarded. I'll be moving to Mexico shortly. Bye.

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