Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fuck Food Service

The topic of this blog may not be specific enough by the title. So I'll make it a little more clear. All the evil in the world can be traced back to food service. I've worked at Subway for over 3 years and it has completely changed my outlook on the human race. The people I wait on make me wonder id we've really all completely evolved from savage primates. Before I worked at Subway I was timid and shy, never really spoke my mind, and I all around wasn't very social. Since my job requires me to talk to and take orders from hundreds of strangers per day, I was forced to become more social. In being more social, I am able to better read what kind of a person someone is by analyzing the little things they do while I'm making their sub. When I greet a customer with a friendly "Hello" or "Hi, how are you?" and the customer responds by going right into their order, I can tell that they have bad people skills. I can also decipher this when they say  "I want-" or "Gimme-", as if they're children. When I ask if they want it toasted and they respond by saying they want chips and a drink with that, I can tell they're flat out retarded. I'm also sick of hearing 'I thought my sub was five dollars!' when the five dollar menu behind me clearly designates the subs that are five dollars, and the five dollar special ended April 17th, and I promptly tell them that to make them feel stupid. I get the opportunity to do that a lot, since usually the sub I'm making has a higher I.Q. than the actual customer. My most despised statistic about food service is fat people. I HATE FAT PEOPLE. I don't care if it's absurd, but they disgust me. I have some fat friends, but none of them are disgusting. Likewise, if a fat guy comes in and is friendly and cooperative, I'll know in the future to treat him like a regular person. But, a majority of the fat people I wait on are disgusting slobs. It pains me to make a footlong tuna on cheese bread with extra cheese for these elephants, it really does. I hate that I'm slowly sealing their arteries. The worst is making subs for fat kids. I hate seeing little kids come in and ask for extra bacon and waves of mayonnaise. And their parents allow it and encourage because they too are gargantuans. I take every opportunity i can to use low fat mayonnaise or put less bacon on the sub, because they'll appreciate those extra 2-3 minutes I tacked onto their life. And of course, the number one thing a fat person cares about is shoving their food into their mouth as quickly as possibly, so they'll be rude and ignorant to me while their exposed stomach sits on my neatly arranged chip rack. Then, they leave a huge mess at their table, which is like a paradox to me because I'd think they would want as much of the food in their mouth as possible. It just disgusts me to see where our country is headed. and I suppose the reason I hate fat people so much is because I'm actually helping the epidemic, and there's nothing I can do about it because it's my job. I wish I could say "Are you sure you want bacon on that?" or "You don't need all that mayo." or maybe even "Sir, please park your SUV in the parking lot during your next visit" while pointing at his wife. If I ever get fat, I've instructed my friends to kill me. So, at least I have a motivation to stay in shape. That's the ONE good thing I get out of this situation. I'm using my Subway experience to land a job at a Subway in Europe while the people are still sexy. In America, all the sexy is gone. It's been covered in mayonnaise and eaten.

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